关于加拿大韦仕敦大学Prof. GY Zou教授到我院开展专题讲座的通知

时间:2022-05-11 作者:

报告题目:A Distribution-Free Approach to the Design and Analysis of Randomized Trials with Rating Scales

报告人:Prof. GY Zou 加拿大韦仕敦大学

主持人:邱世芳 教授

时间:2022517日(星期二) 上午9:00


Zoom Meeting https://westernuniversity.zoom.us/j/91377337085

Meeting ID: 913 7733 7085  Passcode: 386344

报告摘要:Outcomes in randomized trials are commonly measured by rating scales such as the modified Rankin Scale for stroke, WHO clinical severity scores for COVID-19. Statistical methods for the design and analysis of such trials can be complicated by the lack of meaningful units for the scores. In the context of parallel-group randomized trials, I quantify treatment effects by the probability that a subject in the treatment group has a better score than that of a subject in the control group. I refer to this probability as win probability (WinP) by treatment. In this talk, I will discuss non-parametric approach to the estimation of WinPand associated sample size planning for randomized trials with rating scale outcomes. The methods are applicable to outcomes of binary, ordinal, and count. I will present sample size planning and estimation of WinP from studies with only follow-up scores, and those with both baseline and follow-up scores. Results from simulation studies suggest the methods perform very well. The methods are illustrated using data arose from large clinical trials on stroke and COVID-19.

报告人简介:邹博士现任加拿大韦仕敦大学(即西安大略大学)生物统计学教授,罗巴茨研究中心研究员,Alimentiv Inc(前身为罗巴茨临床试验)生物统计学主任。邹博士拥有麦吉尔大学土壤科学硕士学位、康涅狄格大学统计学硕士学位、康涅狄格大学植物科学博士学位和西安大略大学生物统计学博士学位。

邹博士发表了180多篇同行评议文章,其中统计论文42篇,并且14篇为唯一作者。从邹博士的统计论文的引用情况可看出,他的统计论文对医学研究产生了重要的影响。值得一提的是,他在 2004 年发表的关于风险比的论文是《American Journal of Epidemiology》在其100 年历史中被引用次数最多的文章。在谷歌学术网站上,邹博士的H指数为55,这意味着他的55篇经过同行评审的论文至少被引用了55次。他的论文引用次数己超过19,000 次。

邹博士当前的统计学研究方向为医学临床试验中的非参数方法。他关于这个主题的文章发表在Statistics in MedicineJournal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics以及Stroke等期刊上。


